
Gillespie D, Webster L, Henney M, Brennan A, Angus C ([YEAR]). tobalcepi: An R Package for Computing the Relative Risks and Population Attributable Fractions of Diseases Related to Tobacco and Alcohol. R package version [x.x.x]. University of Sheffield. doi:

  title = {tobalcepi: An R Package for Computing the Relative Risks and Population Attributable Fractions of Diseases Related to Tobacco and Alcohol},
  author = {Duncan Gillespie and Laura Webster and Maddy Henney and Alan Brennan and Colin Angus},
  year = {2023},
  note = {R package version x.x.x [replace with version used]},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.17605/OSF.IO/XQ8MV},