Uses the 'new' binge model methods to calculate the risk that each individual experiences each acute consequence of drinking during one year (e.g. alcohol poisoning or the effects of acute intoxication).
grams_ethanol_per_unit = 8,
alc_wholly_acute_thresholds = c(3, 4)
Column of vectors - the probabilities that each individual drinks each amount of grams of ethanol (1:600) on a single drinking occasion.
Numeric - the expected number of drinking occasions that each individual has each week.
Character - individual sex (Male or Female).
Numeric value giving the conversion factor for the number of grams of pure ethanol in one UK standard unit of alcohol.
Numeric vector - the thresholds in UK standard units of alcohol /day over which individuals begin to experience an elevated risk for acute diseases that are wholly attributable to alcohol. Input in the form c(female, male). Defaults to 3 units/day for females and 4 units/day for males.
Returns a numeric vector of each individual's relative risk of the acute consequences of drinking.
The function implements a new method for estimating risk that was developed to suit the STAPM modelling. The calculation is based on the link between average weekly alcohol consumption and the distribution of characteristics of single occasion drinking described by the parameter estimates of Hill-McManus et al 2014.
The function uses the outputs of [tobalcepi::AlcBinge_stapm()] to estimate for each individual: (1) the average amount that each individual is expected to drink on a single drinking occasion; (2) the standard deviation of the amount that each individual is expected to drink on a single drinking occasion; (3) the expected number of drinking occasions that each individual has each week.
Based on those estimates, a probability distribution is generated over the number of units of alcohol that could be consumed on a single drinking occasion by each individual. Values for the number of units that fall below the binge drinking thresholds (6 units a day for women, 8 units a day for men) are set to zero. The probability distribution is then used to compute the total number of units above the binge thresholds that each individual is expected to drink in a year. We assume that each individual's risk is proportional to that value.
if (FALSE) {
# example needs updating
# Function called within RRAlc()
data[ , ar :=
SODMean = mean_sod[z],
SODSDV = occ_sd[z],
SODFreq = drink_freq[z],
sex = sex[z],
grams_ethanol_per_unit = grams_ethanol_per_unit,
alc_wholly_acute_thresholds = alc_wholly_acute_thresholds
risk_indiv <- 1 + data[ , ar] # add 1 to remove 0/0 = Not a number error later
data[ , ar := NULL]