As our starting point we use the parameter estimates from Hill-McManus et al 2014 - stored within the `tobalcepi` package as the data object `binge_params`. The problem with using these parameters directly in STAPM is that STAPM does not model the individual life-course trajectories of some of the covariates investigated by Hill-McManus et al, e.g. income, kids or social status. To get these parameters into a form that can be used in STAPM, we matched them to the individual covariates in a sample of Health Survey for England data from 2011-2017, and then averaged the parameter values by age category, sex and IMD quintiles. The code that does this is in the `data-raw/binge_params` folder of the `tobalcepi` package. Individual height and weight is needed for the calculation of time spent intoxicated, so this is also averaged by age category, sex and IMD quintile.
A list of four data tables (1 = Negative binomial regression model for the number of weekly drinking occasions, 2 = Fitted Heckman selection model for probability that an individual drinks on at least 3 separate occasions during the diary period, 3 = Fitted Heckman outcome regression results for the standard deviation in the quantity of alcohol consumed in a drinking occasion, 4 = average height and weight)
Hill-McManus et al 2014. "Estimation of usual occasion-based individual drinking patterns using diary survey data".