Groupings of diseases into disease types
A data.table containing disease groupings following the schemes used in the Royal College of Physicians report 'Hiding in Plain Sight' Chapter 3 (Tobacco Advisory Group of the Royal College of Physicians 2018) and Angus et al. (2018) . Also includes a column of formatted disease names and an indication of which diseases are related to tobacco only, alcohol only or both
Tobacco Advisory Group of the Royal College of Physicians (2018). “Hiding in plain sight: Treating tobacco dependency in the NHS.” Available from: https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/projects/outputs/hiding-plain-sight-treating-tobacco-dependency-nhs. Angus C, Henney M, Webster L, Gillespie D (2018). “Alcohol-attributable diseases and dose-response curves for the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model version 4.0.” The University of Sheffield. https://doi.org/10.15131/shef.data.6819689.