Duncan Gillespie. Author, maintainer.
Laura Webster. Author.
Damon Morris. Author.
Colin Angus. Author.
Alan Brennan. Author.
Gillespie D, Webster L, Leeming G, Morris D, Angus C, Brennan A ([YEAR]). hseclean: An R Package for Health Survey Data Wrangling. R package version [x.x.x]. University of Sheffield. https://stapm.github.io/hseclean/. doi: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/43N7P
@Manual{, title = {hseclean: An R Package for Health Survey Data Wrangling}, author = {Duncan Gillespie and Laura Webster and Grace Leeming and and Damon Morris and Colin Angus and Alan Brennan}, year = {2023}, note = {R package version x.x.x [replace with version used]}, url = {https://stapm.github.io/hseclean/}, doi = {10.17605/OSF.IO/43N7P}, }