Processes the information from the questions on drinking in the last seven days - whether different types of beverages have been drunk in last 7 days, and if so, how much of each was drunk.
abv_data = hseclean::abv_data,
alc_volume_data = hseclean::alc_volume_data
Data table - the Health Survey for England dataset
Data table - our assumptions on the alcohol content of different beverages in (percent units / ml)
Data table - our assumptions on the volume of different drinks (ml).
total_units7_ch - total units drunk in last 7 days
We estimate the number of UK standard units of alcohol drunk in the last 7 days by using the data on how many of what size measures of different beverages were drunk, and combining this with our standard assumptions about beverage volume and alcohol content.
Normally, if one of the constituent variables was missing, the whole variable would be marked as missing. However, due to high missingness, we just assume any missing = 0, and so are likely to make underestimates.
if (FALSE) {
data <- read_2001()
data <- clean_age(data)
data <- clean_demographic(data)
data <- alc_drink_now_allages(data)
data <- alc_weekmean_adult(data)
data <- alc_sevenday_adult(data)
data <- alc_sevenday_child(data)