Process the data on income.
Data table - the Health Survey for England dataset.
income5cat: quintiles of equivalised household income.
There are a few different options for classifying income - the need to have a measure that is consistent across years of the Health Survey for England has led us to use equivalised income quintiles only. Past SAPM modelling has used years of the Health Survey for England for which a continuous variable for equivalised income was provided. From this, we calculated our own income groups. In later years, this continuous income variable is not available (except if we were to apply for a secure access version of the data).
In the past a measure of in poverty / not in poverty has been used, where the poverty threshold is defined as 60 to make an exact calculation of poverty. But it will coincide approximately with the lowest 2 income quintiles.
It would also be possible from the Health Survey for England to classify people as being in receipt of benefits or not. This is not done currently, and would have to have some thought on how to deal with the changing definitions of benefits over time.
if (FALSE) {
data <- read_2004()
data <- clean_income(data = data)