Reads and does basic cleaning on the Scottish Health Survey 2012.
root = "X:/ScHARR/PR_Consumption_TA/HSE/Scottish Health Survey (SHeS)/",
file = "SHeS 2012/UKDA-7417-tab/tab/"
Character - the root directory.
Character - the file path and name.
Returns a data table. Note that:
Missing data ("NA", "", "-1", "-2", "-6", "-7", "-9", "-90", "-90.0", "N/A") is replace with NA, -8 ("don't know") is also missing.
All variable names are converted to lower case.
Each data point is assigned a weight of 1 as there is no weight variable supplied.
A single sampling cluster is assigned.
The probabilistic sampling unit have the year appended to them.
The Scottish Health Survey is designed to yield a representative sample of the general population living in private households in Scotland every year.
-1 Not applicable: Used to signify that a particular variable did not apply to a given respondent usually because of internal routing. For example, men in women only questions.
-2 Schedule not applicable: Used mainly for variables on the self-completions when the respondent was not of the given age range, also used for children without legal guardians in the home who could not participate in the nurse schedule.
-6 Schedule not obtained: Used to signify that a particular variable was not answered because the respondent did not complete or agree to a particular schedule (i.e. nurse schedule or selfcompletions).
-8 Don't know, Can't say.
-9 No answer/ Refused
if (FALSE) {
data_2012 <- read_SHeS_2012("X:/",
"ScHARR/PR_Tobacco_mup/Data/Scottish Health Survey/SHeS 2012/UKDA-7417-tab/tab/")