Reads and does basic cleaning on the Scottish Health Survey 2017.

  root = "X:/ScHARR/PR_Consumption_TA/HSE/Scottish Health Survey (SHeS)/",
  file = "SHeS 2017/UKDA-8398-tab/tab/"



Character - the root directory.


Character - the file path and name.


Returns a data table. Note that:

  • Missing data ("NA", "", "-1", "-2", "-6", "-7", "-9", "-90", "-90.0", "N/A") is replace with NA, -8 ("don't know") is also removed.

  • All variable names are converted to lower case.

  • Each data point is assigned a weight of 1 as there is no weight variable supplied.

  • A single sampling cluster is assigned.

  • The probabilistic sampling unit have the year appended to them.


The Scottish Health Survey is designed to yield a representative sample of the general population living in private households in Scotland every year. In 2017, across all sample types, interviews were held in 3,062 households with 3,697 adults (aged 16 and over), and 1,603 children (aged 0-15).


  • -1 Not applicable: Used to signify that a particular variable did not apply to a given respondent usually because of internal routing. For example, men in women only questions.

  • -2 Schedule not applicable: Used mainly for variables on the self-completions when the respondent was not of the given age range, also used for children without legal guardians in the home who could not participate in the nurse schedule.

  • -6 Schedule not obtained: Used to signify that a particular variable was not answered because the respondent did not complete or agree to a particular schedule (i.e. nurse schedule or selfcompletions).

  • -8 Don't know, Can't say.

  • -9 No answer/ Refused


if (FALSE) {

data_2017 <- read_SHeS_2017("X:/",
"ScHARR/PR_Tobacco_mup/Data/Scottish Health Survey/SHeS 2017/UKDA-8398-tab/tab/")
