Cleans the data on the time since quitting and time spent as a regular smoker among former smokers.
Data table - the Health Survey for England data.
Returns an updated data table with:
The main issue to be overcome is that in the Health Surveys for England 2015+, time since quit and time spent as a smoker is provided in categories rather than single years. We simulate the single years by just picking a value at random within the time interval.
We also fill missing data: for children 8-15 years, we assume that missing values for former smokers = 1 year. For adults, we fill missing values with the average value for each age, sex and IMD quintile subgroup.
if (FALSE) {
data <- read_2017(root = "/Volumes/Shared/")
data <- clean_age(data)
data <- clean_demographic(data)
data <- smk_status(data)
data <- smk_former(data)