Produce a version of the Health Survey for England data that has the Townsend Index in it, based on the probabilistic mapping between the 2015 English Index of Multiple Deprivation and the Townsend Index from the 2001 census.
use_townsend(data, imdq_to_townsend_map = hseclean::imdq_to_townsend)
Data table - the Health Survey for England dataset
Data table - laid out as a matrix that gives the probability that someone from each IMD quintile will be in each Townsend quintile.
Returns a re-sampled version of the Health Survey for England data, in which each data point is duplicated 5 times (once for each Townsend quintile) and the survey weights adjusted accordingly.
if (FALSE) {
kn <- 1e3
test_data <- data.table::data.table(
imd_quintile =
sample(c("5_most_deprived", "4", "3", "2", "1_least_deprived"),
replace = TRUE),
wt_int = runif(kn)
data_with_townsend <- use_townsend(test_data)